Sunday, May 09, 2010

Action NOW !

I want to keep my job at my school next year and if the Senate will focus on a specific bill, NOW, I will have a better chance of keeping it.
What we teachers need right now is action! Action from the federal government to pass a bill to release funds that will specifically SAVE TEACHERS JOBS! Action from every concerned citizen to put pressure on Congress to pass the Keep Our Educators Working Act right NOW!
Hundreds of thousands of teachers across the country have been pink-slipped and class sizes have been increased due to the ongoing states’ budget crisis. We see a turn around in the economy nationwide but states will take longer to catch up, pay their debts and fill their tills. We need one more year of federal help. The House of Representatives already understood this and passed a bill weeks ago authorizing an extension of stimulus funds for one more year to save teachers jobs. Senator Harkin from Iowa introduced the Senate version and it was moving along rapidly until we got involved in the Health Care debate and now with the Immigration ruckus from Arizona and the oil spewing into the Gulf, the Senate bill has stalled. We need it to move fast, as school budgets are being finalized right now and teachers will be laid off if there is no new money. If the funds come through this summer, many teachers will be rehired but not at the schools they may have been at for years. We need action from all of you, NOW.
Call, email, or fax the following places and urge them to support and pass, quickly, the Keep Our Educators Working Act (S.3206).

Urge Your Senator to cosponsor the Keep Our Educators Working Act and to push for its immediate passage.

Urge the President to support immediate action to save and create hundreds of thousands of education jobs.

Urge Your Representative to cosponsor the Local Jobs for America Act, which Representative Miller (D-CA) has introduced in the House. Although the House has already acted, the Miller bill sends a strong message about the need to get an education job package done and enacted into law.

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