Saturday, September 05, 2020

Critical Race Theory

 Maybe we should know what CRT is before everyone on FB starts spouting off their opinions.

It is a moment in time when millions of (especially white) Americans have finally come to realize that 'systemic racism' exists and the first step towards getting rid of it is to recognize the privileges one group has over another and the bias built into systems to keep that group in power over another in economic, educational, business opportunities, and equal justice under the law. It does NOT mean your accomplishments are any less for all your hard work, it means that others did not get the same chance as you and if there are impediments and unfair practices built into institutions to hold others back, then those protocols, procedures, rules, laws, and behaviors need to change. The President has decided that it would be unpatriotic and unfair to help the country recognize the past inequities and immoral oppression of another race for the benefit of essentially white, christian, property-owning men (the only people who could vote during the creation and founding of our nation) and that it has continued in many forms for the last 400 years to become institutionalized (systemic, get it?). Therefore, he has ordered any trainings for federal employees that use CRT to be stopped. Do we need any clearer case for the existence of white privilege than he? We need to look at our scars and still open wounds and begin to heal and make it right, not lie, deny, and ignore the infection. Article from Purdue University for a good overview of the theory

Another article with an overview and access to opposing viewpoints:

What it might look like in a classroom.